Jan and I are as excited as ever about what God is doing in the nations! Having served over 10 years from the Nashville office, God gave us a new assignment in Southern Africa! We are now based in Johannesburg, South Africa, where we serve alongside the EN Southern Africa Reach Team doing what God had called us to do over the years: mobilizing, training, sending, and supporting missionaries from Southern Africa as they go throughout Africa, to Europe, and beyond, making disciples, establishing churches and campus ministries, and helping the helpless. We are developing Internship Global, Missionary Contact, and other mission initiatives that are opening doors of opportunity for short-term, mid-term, and long-term mission service. This time around, God opened a new door of opportunity for Jan specifically as she pioneered and launched the Mobile Wellness Centers (MWCs), which have been providing physical and mental health checkups, primary care, medical referrals, and prayer ministry among the poor and uninsured in the informal (squatter) settlements and poor districts of Johannesburg. The MWCs have already helped to expand the local church and draw those who need the Gospel. The vision is growing to see this ministry expand and be established in many more areas of the nation and beyond. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) is still in effect! We want to thank you all so much for your love, prayer, and faithful generosity, as together we are reaching every nation for Christ!The Great Commission is still in effect! We want to thank you all so much again for your love, prayer, and faithful generosity, as together we are reaching the nations for Christ!