We are serving in Abilene, TX as Campus Missionaries over our Every Nation Campus (ENC) chapter at Abilene Christian University, Hardin Simmons University, and McMurry University.
Our strategy is to: engage students with the gospel; establish them in faith, the Word, and spiritual community; equip them for ministry, and empower them to share the Gospel and make disciples.
Here are some of the ways that we do that:
-Oversee student-led Discipleship Groups and the discipleship process
-Oversee outreaches and the weekly Campus Night services
-Train and equip student leaders
-Create a fun and safe environment for students to grow in their relationships with God and each other
God has been doing incredible things on these campuses and we love being a part of advancing His kingdom in Abilene!
Our motto at ENC is, “Change the Campus; Change the World.” We believe that you and I, together, can make this happen. Together we can reach the campuses. Together we can advance the Kingdom of God. Together we can make disciples of all nations. Together we can change the world!