Hi! My name is Ariana Morgan, and I am a Campus Intern at Lake Mary Church in Central Florida. I am also a proud UCF student planned to graduate fall of 2024.
I am so fortunate to have grown up in Lake Mary Church, this family and community have been so precious to me. Although I've been in church my whole life, I didn’t give my life to Christ until middle school. It was after my father's death in sixth grade that I heard the gospel in a new light. In a moment, God went from some distant entity to my personal savior, father, and fortress.
That moment turned into years of a personal relationship with Christ. Jesus has been my rock through countless storms in my life. And I keep finding that His love grows deeper and stronger than I could ever imagine.
I’ve always been a girl after God's heart, wanting to serve in any area I can, whether in clubs at school, in youth ministries, or on the worship team. But I’ve always known that God was calling me to something more.
At the Build conference in 2020, I felt God in a tangible way that I couldn’t deny. I answered the call to ministry, and ever since that moment, my burden for God's kingdom and love for his people have grown at an exponential rate. Every day I wake up excited to minister to His people and show them the love of Christ.
I can’t wait to partner with you to reach the next generation and change the world!
Thank you!