In 2015, I first stepped foot on Vanderbilt University as a young, aspiring first-year, ready to serve God in whatever way He asked. Fast forward to the end of my senior year, it was evident that God was moving on campus in extraordinary ways and that He was calling me to serve there a little bit longer than I thought.
So in 2019, I answered the call to full-time ministry as a campus missionary! I now serve Vanderbilt and the surrounding Nashville campuses with Bethel World Outreach Church. My heart is to see my alma mater transformed by the truth and power of the Gospel. I believe that God has begun a work at Vanderbilt, unlike anything the campus has ever seen. All over, I see God working in the hearts of students and it’s my joy to be one of His instruments in reaching this campus.
Will you partner with me to see this campus changed for the glory of God? None of it is possible without your support!
Thank you and God bless! Change the Campus, Change the World.