Hello from Addison and Lisa Tweedy!
We’re so honored to be a part of how you are reaching the world with the gospel!
We’ve been reaching college students for decades, just as we were reached as students. The need for a gospel presence on campus has only been increasing. Students today have either not heard the gospel, heard it and don’t believe it is true, or believe it but struggle to reconcile it with what is taught in their university. As a result, students are lost, struggling, or losing their faith.
That is why we are so excited to be directing God’s Not Dead Events (godsnotdeadevents.org) on a global scale where we boldly proclaim the gospel on campus in a public setting. These events bring clear, current, and rational evidence in the discussion surrounding faith and science to students in a respectful and engaging format. We present evidence for the existence of God from science, philosophy, and history. As a result, students are getting saved, reestablishing their faith, and gaining the confidence and competence to share their faith with others.
We are able to start brand new outreaches on campuses where we don’t yet have a presence, strengthen existing outreaches, and change the culture of the campus. Through the last 50 events, we’ve seen 13,494 attendees, 1,967 salvations, and 1,096 students trained to LEAD on campus (leadoncampus.org). We have the opportunity to do so much more—with your help.
Now is the time to reach students! Help send us into this harvest field!
For more information on us or our mission please contact us at:
Addison Tweedy
615-967-4433 (text or call)