Caresse and I serve as Lead Church Planters to our future Every Nation church in Downtown Austin called Family Life Austin.
Austin is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States with over 100 people moving here a day. As people from all over the world, small businesses, and tech companies begin to flood this area in search of financial gain, we as a church have a strategic opportunity to influence some of the world’s most creative influencers and innovators. Despite all of the opportunistic buzz that is surrounding this city, as well as the eclectic way of living and nightlife the city is also known for, studies have shown that it alone is not enough to fulfill the hearts of those who live here. The primary concern echoed by the majority of those who live in Downtown Austin are hopelessness and unfulfilled dreams.
Before answering the call as church planters to the city of Austin, Caresse and I have served in campus ministry with Every Nation for a total of over 13 years combined. In the fall of 2016, we launched two new EN campus chapters at St. Edwards University and Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas. St. Edwards is a private Roman Catholic university with an enrollment of 4,400 students and a large percentage of the campus enrollment are minority and international students. Huston-Tillotson is a Historically Black College and University with an enrollment of 900 students located in the heart of the inner city of Austin. Our heart is to see both of these campuses with extremely different backgrounds come together to know the love of Jesus Christ and for each student to be launched into the spiritual destiny that God has for them. We also in the near future are working on establishing our third campus ministry chapter here within the city at Austin Community College which is home to over 100,000 students in the Austin Area.
Thank you for partnering with us to make this dream a reality.