One missionary from the U.K came to Japan and shared that God is calling us to His great mission. From that time, I decided to walk with Jesus, seek him, know him, and share with other people who he is and what he has done for us. I really appreciate the missionaries who discipled me.
During my high school years, God put a nation in my heart, Cambodia, and a desire to serve people there.
I resigned as an elementary school teacher in 2023 to go to the School of World Mission in early 2024. I was surprised to learn that many students in Cambodia are looking for opportunities to learn Japanese now. I believe this is an open door to invite them to know Jesus and be His followers. I am excited to build relationships with them and teach them the truth that would set not only them but the nation of Cambodia free.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, the truth will set you free."