For over three decades, Every Nation has been developing leaders to fulfill the Great Commission by planting churches and reaching university campuses. As these leaders serve in their local ministry contexts, growing in faith and skill, we recognize a hunger for further theological training to increase their effectiveness in ministry. We have a critical opportunity to help emerging leaders become apostolic leaders for generations to come, but we can’t do it alone.
Furthering theological education can often be too expensive, with barriers such as distance, scheduling restraints, and limited resources. Through your partnership, we can provide Every Nation leaders around the world with an attainable way to be further equipped. Instead of reaching a plateau in their leadership skills, they’ll be prepared to continue making disciples as trends in Christianity continue to shift. Their biblical preaching, discernment, and mentoring skills will be strengthened, enabling them to have a greater impact on the nations and cities they serve.
Every Nation Seminary (ENS) provides a three-year master’s program for leadership development for Every Nation vocational ministers. Through online classes, assignments, and annual two-week in-person intensives in Manila, Philippines, students in the ENS global cohort learn the values of relational discipleship, biblical preaching, apostolic leadership, and global mission from a diverse faculty and student body. Every program and course of ENS is designed to integrate our unique mission of planting campus-reaching churches in every nation.
“Learning in community is so strong and rich in that it adds a lot more than just learning in your own local context with your own people because of what God is doing worldwide.”
- Hilma Müller, Every Nation Ruimsig, Johannesburg, South Africa
“Learning God’s word and learning the right way to preach God’s word and minister—there’s never a better time for it.”
- Viki Tekwani, Every Nation Singapore, Singapore
Your generous support of the ENS Legacy Fund will have long-lasting impact on training Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, and socially responsible church planters and campus missionaries in every nation. All gifts invested in the ENS Legacy Fund will generate steady financial support for our seminary for many years to come. Through your partnership, we can truly reach every nation and every campus.
To learn more, visit Every Nation Seminary's website here.
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